Fill The Pews

Are you able to help our children in this endeavor? Sign up at Aldersgate United Methodist Church.
• Would you like to be part of a group looking into more ways to support Wesley Willows?  Sign that list.
• Greeters are so important. Are you willing to help revive that ministry?  Sign the greeters list.
• Would you be able to give someone a ride to church?  Sign the Transport Providers list.
• Do you have a heart for children?  Join the group seeking to revive our children's ministry.
• Would you like to become closer with other members?  Sign up to be part of a small group.
• Have you thought of another idea or way to help?  Write your idea with your name on "Other Possibilities"
Thank you to all of the wonderful people who do so many wonderful things for Aldersgate UMC!