...for a toy to call their own
A Ministry of Aldersgate United Methodist Church
The Toymakers of Aldersgate is a ministry of Aldersgate United Methodist Church of Rockford, Illinois, and is supported by its members and friends. The Toymakers make toys for children who are in hospitals, shelters, crisis nurseries, or the foster care system. Some of these boys and girls do not have a toy to call their own.
The hope of change can come one toy at a time.
Our purpose is simply to get toys into the hands of children so they can have a toy to call their own. Toys help children play, and play is a critical part of learning and human development.
When a child is playing with a toy from the Toymakers, our prayer is that each child feels a message of care, hope and joy.
All toys are made with volunteer help.
You can be a part of this special ministry: By praying for the children and the agencies who serve them
- Monetary gifts
- Paint brushes and foam brushes (1" or less)
- 1x4 hardwood (poplar, walnut, etc.)
- Wood glue
- 1/4" dowel rods
- Quart-size zip-seal bags
- Felt